All fingers are not equal. Some people are born with silver spoons while others are not. Many are not so lucky to even catch a glimpse a silver spoon. Some people are born with success entrusted on them. For others, they have to exert physical energy for every dime they earn. Yet the take home is not enough.
In recent times, gory stories of inhumane treatment of domestic servants by their lords have flooded various media platforms. This is an inhuman act that needs urgent attention form all.
Domestic servants are employed to manage all domestic affairs. Their job description is basically to ameliorate the domestic burdens of their employers. Often times, domestic servants are treated as animals. Robots or machineries do receive better treatment than domestic servants. This is because, they usually cost a fortune to purchase and maintain.
Employers of domestic servants should be reminded that as they lord it over their servants they have a supreme lord who will judge everyone in whose eyes all men are mere mortals. It is not untrue that some domestic servants are embodied with questionable characters. This is why it is advisable to use the services of firms that deal in the recruitment and deployment of domestic servants who meet the requirements that employers desire.
Going to remote areas to take a child with firm promise to offer basic social amenities and turning around to use such child to serve as a domestic servant is inappropriate, callous, inhuman and unacceptable. Are such shameful acts not tantamount to child labor? Are children mentally, emotionally and physically unfit to perform certain tasks that are assigned to them?
We all know that domestic duties can be daunting hence the need for help; it must be done with human face. If you are a philanthropist and you want to give your quarter to humanity you may offer scholarship to the less privileged in the villages as well as the towns and cities. Offering empowerment to parents who have little or no source of income will also attract a reward here on earth and in the world to come. This is better than pretentiously taking a child and transforming him/her into your help with little or no qualitative life or education accompanied with maltreatment of all sorts.
It is better to manage your own domestic affairs than to inflict seed of pain and anguish into the life of a child. The child may at the moment be helpless to escape or exert self defense. The truth is that the wheel of the law grinds slowly but surely. It is just a matter of time and the act of wickedness will be exposed and splashed on all media platforms.
Parents should be very careful who they release their kids to. The economy may be unpleasant but if you can afford to cater for your children you will be at an advantage to give the child the best that you can.
It is, however, not untrue that there are good eggs in the society who are honest and can take none genetically related children as their own. Conversely, because of the bad eggs among us parents should keep tract of the affairs of their children if their hands are tied and they have no choice than to release their children so as to afford them a better life. If you have any child under your care always remember the golden rule.