It is true that offences are bound to come. Unfortunately, many people are quick to forget that no human being can boast to have attained absolute perfection. This presupposes that everybody is susceptible to make mistakes and inherent in such mistakes are offences. This is why it is important that we always give allowances to the fact that people are bound to offend us.
Common among human beings is the intricate tendencies to repeat a mistake or offence. Also, man is quick to be selfish, always insisting on certain things being done their own way. This is not far from what is obtainable in most homes and in most relationships.
It is important that we develop and master the skills of effective interpersonal communication. Communication is not a one way traffic as it often times requires that at least two people living under the same roof exchange ideas that are geared towards the overall well-being of the family in particular and the society in general; since the family is a microcosm of the society.
When dealing with subordinates as the case is within the mindset of some African husbands who have become indoctrinated to believing that their wives are their subjects; it is important that delicate issues be tabled and trashed out maturely.
Issuing commands and ordinances without due consideration of the opinion and feelings of the next bedmate is always tantamount to discord and disagreement between married couples. Little wonder the exponential rate in divorce, especially among young couples leaves much to be desired as singles are watching from afar, wondering whether it is worth the stress to tie the knots.
What is good for the goose is also good for the gander. It is therefore important that we all learn to be open minded while striving to maintain a peaceful relationship with people we have intimate relationship with. A peaceful home is needed for the overall development of children who are obviously the future of the society.