An employer of labour wrote this on linked In. He is pained that honest people are getting fewer by the day.
He also said employers were formerly interested in competence and skills as criteria for suitability for a job.
But those criteria are no more necessary as people, whether competent or not are only looking for what to steal from the company. His name is Roland Adewumi.
I run a manufacturing and construction company. The biggest challenge is not power, or infrastructure, the biggest challenge is getting honest staff. Everyone hired appears to be on a mission to steal as much as possible.
Inflated invoices, recording less than the actual number of units produced. The worst part of it all is that the fraud are not done by a single person, it’s many staff who collude with each other, from production, to sales, to finance, even top management.
Now, main criteria for employing staff is no longer competency but honesty, even at that, how do know who’s an honest employable person? competency and skills can be learnt, but once you’re dishonest, you’re dishonest.We complain of the economy and how there are no jobs.
I know people abroad who would have loved to set up job creating businesses in Nigeria but they can’t because they can’t get any trustworthy person to run it.
I know people in Nigeria with so much money, they want to start factories and other job-creating businesses but they can’t because they are occupied elsewhere and can’t get any trustworthy person to run the business.
So instead of investing in the real sector and creating jobs, they’ll just keep thier money in banks or buy treasury bills, while the thieves are shouting no jobs