Ruthish Natural Foods, an initiative of Ruth Ubi Oyibode, is a home of organic foods. Ruth, who studied Home Economics, is well grounded in the art of processing and producing all kinds of organic foods and food seasonings that can greatly help individuals and families. For her, health issues that have plagued individuals can be managed when proper nutrition is observed.
In this short interview with Emerald News, a leading online newspaper, based in Asaba, Ruth speaks on her voyage into the business of processing natural foods, food seasonings and spices. She also explained why families should stop using maggi cubes for cooking foods, rather they should switch to spices which she believes will be of immense help to growing children and the older generation.
The interview is an eye opener to families, women and people who crave for lifestyle change. The interview is a must read for all.
Tell us all about Ruthish Natural Foods
Ruthish Foods is a Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) registered business located in Asaba, Delta state. It’s a house of food processing of various kinds. We started in 2019, with grain processing to flour and a few single spice blends like ginger, garlic and curry powder. Later, we added cereals (Soya beans milk powder and then a lot more added) ln 2022, organic seasonings was born out of curiosity, when I got tired of wondering what is used to make the seasoning cubes I cook with, I started look for a healthy replacement, and then, a blend of herbs and spice popped up! And that was the answer! We bring spice and herbs together to make organic food seasonings and maggi replacements.

So now, we process organic food seasonings and maggi replacements, single spice blend, cereal foods for growing children and elderly people. We also process grains and tubers to flour and do drying and dehydrating services as well.
What gave you the inspiration to set up Ruthish Natural Foods?
Look around you, you’ll see a rise in health issues that never existed or were not common. People need solution to health challenges. Our seasonings either help to manage or avoid these health issues. These are the solutions we bring to all ages of people. When you regularly use our organic spice, you effortlessly heal and keep health issues out of your way.

What kind of foods do you process?
We process organic food seasonings made from herbs and spice, without chemical substances like colour, preservatives, addictives and Monosodium glutamate commonly known as MSG. The organic seasonings are just seasonings that can be used alongside you regular seasoning cubes. While the maggi replacements are to be used alone without any seasoning cube (Soup and stew options available also).
We also do single spice seeds and powder…curry, ginger, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, fenugreek, black pepper corns, star anise, uziza, onion, garlic and ginger blend and a lot more seeds.
For our cereal foods, we bring together a number of healthy whole grains to make our cereals more like a complete nutritious meal for growing children, elderly people and the whole family’s enjoyment. We have super kids cereal, Tom brown, soya beans and cereal supplements for the elderly (it’s the best gift for grannies) we have sweetened and unsweetened options available.
We also process grains and tubers to flour like washed bean seeds, beans flour, okpa flour, yam flour, unripe plantain flour, potato flour and cocoyam flour.
You talk about attempting to replace maggi with these your food spices. What is the problem with maggi?
The presence of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) in maggi and the chemical colorings, preservatives and additives used to make maggi make it unsafe for consumption.
Let’s do this experiment together. Pick your seasoning cube or sachet seasoning, check the ingredients put together if you’ll find any herb or spice in the list. Also, check if you’ll find anything natural outside seeds like granulated sugar, then you’ll understand how much chemical substances you ingest on every meal. All these are major contributors to rising health issues people suffer today!
In our Maggi replacement, we take you back to what makes grandma’s food always taste special but in an improved way because that’s what spice and herbs bring to the table.
What’s the acceptance level of your products?
Acceptance depends on your understanding. People who understand and care about their health are making a conscious lifestyle switch to organic products which are not just aromatic but are tastier and healing altogether.
What’s your market reach?
We have no limits, we go anywhere order calls. We are in a few supermarkets now, or reach us for individual or wholesale supply of any of our products or services.
Do you think women will want to abandon maggi or other cooking ingredients they are used to for these your spices?
It’s up to them. Like I said, if you care about your health, a lifestyle change shouldn’t be a tug of war. Going organic should begin with what goes into the body, it heals from within and reflects on the outside before what is applied on the body(skin) that has no effect on the inside.
What are the health benefits of your products?
A lot of health issues are kept at bay because, spices are medicines on their own. So, while they make your food tasty and aromatic, they are also doing their natural magic inside the body without you intentionally taking medicines.
What are the reactions of people who have used your products?
Wow! It’s been wonderful, hearing from people who thought organic seasonings are for vegetarians but got to know it’s for everyone, thought their food will turnout bland but not at all, it makes it taste and smell even better, thought a lot of negatives but found out positive. Some take the single spice as tea and that has helped to manage respiratory issues and even terminal diseases as well. A female doctor at Federal Medical Centre (FMC) Asaba has been using my cereal since her first child, she says, she feels homemade with my products and has introduced a few Dr. friends as well.
Are you considering a lifestyle switch? We can help u achieve it with ease.
Do you want smart, intelligent kids? Our “super kids cereal” will give you cover
Or you want to step up your aged parents’ nutrition to help them live healthy and longer, our Cereal supplements for the elderly takes care of grannies
Why not leave the roadside okpa that is mixed with whatever rubbish, our okpa flour alongside with any of our cereal can make your weekend breakfast a premium enjoyment for the whole family! We can even teach u for free.
So, why don’t you try our products or services today?
For order, price update and pick up, Call or WhatsApp 07067444475
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